Originally Posted By: Dignan
and all we have so far are casual games.

Hmm.. There are adventure games for the iPhone, third-person 3D shooters, first-person shooters, driving games, etc. A lot of the same stuff you'd find on a console or portable gaming system.

I finished Monkey Island on the iPhone. smile Still have to start MI2. I also have the iPhone Splinter Cell game which I thought was pretty good, though played through the free version, I haven't played it yet since buying the full version.

Personally, I think the mobile gaming market is Apple's to own - and to some degree Android's as well. I'm not certain Nintendo or Sony will ever do the volumes they used to previously.

I don't see Windows Phone being a serious platform for games until they can achieve critical mass of units shipped - something that may never happen. This platform is hurting right now.

With some recent Nokia/MS rumors circulating, I have a suggestion for MS. Cancel the Windows Phone licenses of every manufacturer and go exclusive with Nokia. And Nokia, cancel all your crap OS ventures and go exclusive Windows Phone. And together, change the name of the platform, the word "Windows" is, to put it in a US-centric way, retarded. And off-putting. No one wants (or has ever wanted) Windows on their phone.

They'd have a much better chance of competing unified. Right now they're both still on a slide to the bottom. But it will never happen. I can't see Nokia giving up its production of crap dollar-store phones, nor can I see Microsoft changing its business model.
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