Excellent, I'm glad the thread was split.

Bruno, I guess there are some games out there. I just wish the developers would finally realize that there are one or two Android phones out there and that they could make a buck or two there.

The company that bugs me the most is Popcap. They released Bewjewelled (1, not 2) for Android almost two years ago, and since then they haven't released a single game, have talked about it for months, and don't expect to release something for a few months at least, starting with Bejewelled 2 which I could care less about.

Lastly, I have to repeat my complete, intense, burning hatred for touchscreen controls.

I just downloaded Gun Bros (if you're not familiar, it's basically Smash TV), and the game is controlled by two on-screen "analog" sticks, one for movement and one for firing direction. The problem here is that on average I'm covering up about 25% of the screen, making it hard to even see enemies that are coming at me. God forbid I have to run down and right and shoot the opposite direction, because I'll end up covering half the screen!

I enjoy the game, but the controls are killing me.

I'm still hoping to find a good physical controller for phones (because I don't want that Sony Ericsson phone smile ).