Since you asked.. the Mythtv box here is on only when recording or doing playback. Otherwise it is "off" (not that any PC is truly "off" these days, another gripe..).

I have wired power relays to it, so that all of the ancillary gear gets fully powered off ("unplugged") when the Mythtv box is "off", reducing parasitic power draw to the minimum.

Our wifi has an on/off switch (pushbutton), and is rarely ever turned on -- we use wired ethernet (100mbit, not energy hogging gigE) through a (measured) 2.5W switch for networking gear.

I'm sitting here now with a large sweater on, and still feeling somewhat chilly because it's winter inside and out. The light bulbs are nearly all the environmentally-bad CFL style, to reduce the monthly power bill, and we just about never leave a light on when nobody is in a room.

The wall outlets above my office desk (I work mostly from home -- zero commute) all have individual on-off switches, so that the stupid parasitic power bricks can be totally "off" when not in direct use.

We choose electronics and appliances based largely on power efficiency, and generally keep everything for 5-20 years before recycling the remains and getting new stuff.

Our modestly sized cars are 13 and 17 years old now, in good repair, and easily pass the bi-yearly state-mandated exhaust tests. The computer I'm typing on is ~5 years old -- not the latest greatest gadget, but it still works extremely well.

Our cellphones go 1-3 weeks on a charge, unlike most newer fancier devices. We use rechargeable batteries in everything that won't accept a more efficient direct power source (plug), and prefer wires over (inefficient) battery-power whenever possible.

The summer garden is fertilised with natural compost from our property, and provides us with quite a bit of food as well as beauty. Right now, in the dead of winter, we enjoy salads based upon window-grown greens and sprouts.

In short, we pay very close attention to minimizing our impact on the planet, given our location as northern city-dwellers. We could do even better by moving to a warmer rural zone on the planet, I suppose, and eliminating our once-every-three years air/rail travel holiday.
