Milton Ontario, Canada with tiered pricing, depending on time of day. Currently on Winter schedule.

The claimed WAP (weighted average price) is currently around CAD $0.069818 per kWh

This however is how it breaks down

On-Peak 0.099
Mid-Peak 0.081
Off-Peak 0.051

That's the base price per kWh. However, you will never pay that little for usage. First, your actual usage is multiplied by an adjustment factor which for us is currently 1.0351.

Every bill has the following charges which are calculated as a percentage of your usage charges:

Delivery - there's a fixed portion and a variable portion. The breakdown/percentage is never printed anywhere on the bill, only a total. At least 60% of the billed usage though.

Regulatory Charge - no info on how this amount is calculated. Always at least 10.5% of billed usage

Debt Retirement Charge - no info on how this is calculated. Always at least 9.5%, but I've seen it at 10% many times

This all comes out to a more realistic average price of 0.13 before tax or 0.147 after taxes.

I haven't done any profiling yet, but we're currently using a lot more energy than I'd like. Less right now than at the same time last year, since my wife is no longer on maternity leave and we're no longer washing diapers. I work from home, so it's always going to be higher than if I were out all day.

There are never any lights turned on in the daytime and at night we used to have pretty much only a single 13W CFL running, however now we also run a few other 15W or 18W bulbs for a few hours while our daughter is eating and playing before bed time.

I run my PVR system with 4 drives, NAS with 6 drives, UPS, router w/Tomato, Time Machine AP, switch, voip adapter, and 5 cordless phones 24/7. My MacBook Pro is running most of the day and over the past few months I know it's been consuming a lot more power than normal thanks to the bad firmware on the Seagate Momentus XL that never allows the drive to spin down.

I'd like to get the PVR shutting down when it's not doing something active, like recording. I didn't have success when I tested this a few years ago, but I hope the software now works properly for this. Will need to test it when the recording season winds down.
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