Originally Posted By: altman
I'm still very frustrated by gear - and this includes the WRT54's that I've owned - that use a transformer vs a DCDC for the AC supply.

They stopped shipping transformer supplies years ago, in this country at least -- all six of my WRT54GLs have modern switching-style wall warts.

I'm at about 10kWh/day for a (small) family of four with the associated washing/drying. We really ought to get a washing line up given the weather is very conducive to drying clothes outdoors in california smile

Yeah, definitely for the clothesline. Ours here is used from March/April through November normally. Saves a ton of electrical power (not feasible to install a gas dryer in our specific house -- venting issues).

I often look at the wall of switches and wallwarts here, and wonder perhaps about consolidation with a single larger supply of some kind. But then that probably wouldn't be too efficient with only two or three things running off of it at a time.

The Mythtv box does use its internal PSU in place of a number of external power bricks though. Simplifies the wiring there, too. smile
