Can we just change "Off Topic" to "Market Research" and be done with it?

Anyone is free at anytime to post about any topic they feel like (and that includes all you lurkers out there). The subject matter may not appeal to everyone, but I still tend to find it interesting, as do enough people out there who keep coming back. If I hit a topic I'm not overly interested in, I just click next.
It would be handy though if Bruno could remember where the new topic button is instead of burying similar, but not quite related posts to the point where he forgets where they are :-P
*edit* The possibility of subdividing Off Topic into a few categories has come up in the past and was generally not wanted by the active users of the time. With the shrinking base of posters, maybe it's worth revisiting to see if anyones thoughts have changed. If someone is interested, feel free to make a new topic with your ideas about it.