Regarding political/religious topics, I never really cared for the former. The latter has probably been some of the best religious discussions I've ever had anywhere; tolerant in the true sense of respecting the person while holding a different opinion. I don't know that I've found that anywhere else, off or on the internet. The thing is, I've felt we pretty much exhausted religious topics and were rehashing quite a bit in the latter threads.

I still brag about this place to my Christian friends, though, and say what a great benefit those discussions have been to me in terms of understanding how other people with different beliefs think.

I agree that with a shrinking base, less forums is better. I also don't mind the topics that get posted. Reading posts here about sliced cheese is infinitely better than the most important topic you can imagine on any other forum.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.