The more I think about it, the more excited I am at the prospect of that possible multi-room Tivo product. I'm extremely curious what they're working on. Conceivably, the remote boxes (as opposed to the central box) wouldn't need a coax line, so they could go anywhere your home network could reach. For example, we can't have a TV in our office because the coax line in here is being used for our modem.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for any more news on that potential product. I didn't feel a need to upgrade to the Premiere as it doesn't give a Series 3 or TivoHD owner much added functionality, but a true multi-room product is something I'd definitely be interested in purchasing.

Bitt, how do I get on that survey? I've been a Tivo customer for 10 years now, but I don't get those emails...