Well, the Preview units are finally going to some people's houses. Too bad RCN is awful (at least from everything I've heard from their customers).

The worrying thing is that the Preview units cannot pause, FF, and REW live TV. That's an issue for me. I guess I can understand why this is the case, but I was under the impression that these things were using the Elite to handle the tuners, so why can't it just pause, FF, and REW on the Elite and send that to the Preview? I guess I need more info on what's going on in the Preview/Elite relationship.

Besides, there's probably a price point at which I won't care about that issue anymore. I'd probably place that point at around $99 or less, though frankly I can't see why the Preview would be any more than that. They seem to have less smarts than most other set top boxes like the Apple TV or Roku, and certainly less than the Boxee Box.

I guess we'll find out more when Tivo finally offers this up to everyone else. I hope they don't have some sort of long-term exclusivity deal with RCN. That would just be stupid, considering how few people can even get RCN.