Originally Posted By: Hybrid8
My take on BluRay: Who cares? Streaming is on the rise and the only thing we need BluRay sources for are ripping the content to a file. Plus there are already a million and one BluRay players out there.
Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I wish we had more information on it. One basic question would be: will it play bluray? The biggest question of course is how much this brand new console with the wacky controller will cost. Will the controller be sold with the console? I assume so, but that must mean it'll be pretty expensive, and currently you can get a 360/Kinect bundle for $299. That'll be a challenge for the big N.

They wouldn't really confirm anything in the way of specs, but I personally don't expect BluRay movie playback. Not even sure if it's going to use anything beyond DVDs for storage, though I hope it has something bigger. No price news either, but I din't think they are too worried about competing with the 2005 era consoles, just as Microsoft probably wasn't too worried about the price of the PS2 when the Xbox 360 launched. The new controller also does have some design decisions clearly made to keep the cost down. It's a resistive touchscreen, and only supports one touch point. It's not an HD screen either. No demo had the camera in use, but I'm betting it's similarly low end.

I was mostly wondering about bluray support for the sake of games, not movies. You're certainly not talking to a bluray collector here. Aren't games just taking up more and more space on discs?

What has me most excited are the new Zelda and Mario Kart games. If you're able to get your hands on those, I'd love to hear about them...

No games for the WiiU were there, it was all just tech demos. I wouldn't even count on a Zelda title early in the WiiU's life, as the Wii is just now getting it's proper Zelda title. (Twilight Princess was a Gamecube game with some Wii stuff bolted on, vs a game targeted for the Wii only and it's capabilities). I did play the Ocarina of Time 3DS game a bit, and it's a decent adaptation of the Nintendo 64 version. They added some motion controls to it for things like aiming the slingshot, but it's not mandatory to use.

The new Zelda (Skyward Sword) and Mario Kart games are not WiiU titles, they're Wii titles. They haven't announced a WiiU-specific Zelda title. I was under the impression that in the keynote they indicated there were playable demos of at least Zelda.