Originally Posted By: Dignan
The new Zelda (Skyward Sword) and Mario Kart games are not WiiU titles, they're Wii titles. They haven't announced a WiiU-specific Zelda title. I was under the impression that in the keynote they indicated there were playable demos of at least Zelda.

Ahh, ok. Been so buried with other stuff I had no idea which platform you were talking about, since there were Zelda related pieces shown for WiiU, Wii, and 3DS. I did see the Skyward Sword game on the floor, but it had a pretty lengthy line to play. Since I was only attending for one day this year, I skipped most lines. Only reason I waited for the WiiU one is that my exhibitor badge got me in early, to have a 30 minute wait, vs the 4-5 hour average wait time.