Originally Posted By: Dignan
- tried printing from multiple sources: word prints blank, so does notepad, but Adobe reader prints fine. A test page prints only the Windows logo and nothing else, which is weird...

Fonts. The problem is fonts. The things that are printing are graphics, fonts are not printing.

There is a chance that the other suggestion about the black printer cartridge is also the problem... if the windows logo print test is printing just the color parts of the logo and not the black parts.

But if Adobe Reader is printing fine, and it's printing black ink, then my guess is that Adobe Reader is rasterizing everything down to graphics and sending a graphic to the printer, whereas Word, Notepad, and PrinterTest are sending typed fonts.

So. Assuming that my guess about Fonts is correct, here are some possibilities:

- Fiddle with downloadable font settings in the printer driver.

- Some printer drivers have an option to rasterize everything and never use printer fonts.

- Printer has a malfunction preventing it from using its internal fonts or preventing it from being able to use downloadable fonts.

- Printer has been configured for PostScript mode and you don't have any PostScript fonts.

Something along the lines of the above. Those are all just wild guesses to get you started, but your problem description seems to indicate a font issue, so start there and keep digging.
Tony Fabris