Originally Posted By: tfabris

You're probably throttling your whole house's bandwidth by trying to go through the (likely inferior) switch in the wireless router.

I don't think this is the case. Isn't it so that the traffic between all network devices connected to the switch won't even reach the router? Since it's located before the switch?
In any case, I'm very happy with the performance of my home LAN.

Originally Posted By: tfabris

Oh wait. Unless you're using the wireless router for your NAT firewall. The cable modem doesn't have that built-in already?

That's indeed exactly what I'm using it for. And not, the cable modem doesn't have that built-in If were to connect a pc directly to the modem, which I can do if I wanted to, the pc would not be protected by an NAT firewall. Cable modems have been working like that for years here. That was particulary fun in the pre-XP SP2 era, when the OS also didn't come with any firewall of any kind. All the cable user's pc's were wide open to the network.
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