Originally Posted By: Dignan
Here's my issue: while I can already see things in OSX that I like, including a couple I like more than Windows, these keyboard shortcuts really don't make sense to me.

You are going to hit more of this as you explore deeper. There are reasons for why it's different. And yes, sometimes it's frustrating and weird at times. But it doesn't always mean there is a flaw in the Windows or the Mac way, it's just different. Similar to how one can know how to drive a manual transmission, and still feel weird when shifting with the left hand instead of the right. (Or the other way around for those who grew up shifting with the left)

Apple had the advantage of controlling the hardware and software from day one. When they felt there was a need for a modifier key that was different then the one already in use for terminal based apps, they had the ability to make that separation (Control vs Command). Microsoft didn't have this ability, so they ended up mapping a lot of GUI commands to Control when DOS, and the Unixes of the era already had many established control functions. It wasn't until Windows 95 that Microsoft influenced PC makers to add a dedicated Windows key. It also wan't mandatory, so it's been heavily underutilized compared to the command key.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
holding down the command key for these actions does not seem ergonomic

Ergonomics wise, the default home row hand position would have both thumbs on the spacebar. By placing command right next to it, there is less thumb movement compared to reaching for control. Or less finger movement overall compared to moving the pinky off A down to control. Back when control was where the caps lock key is, you could have equally minimal movement to access either control or command.