Yeah, I don't like RAID resyncs either -- they are the elephant sized flaw in most current RAID implementations -- RAID really needs a journal of some sort to know what actually needs resyncing, so that it doesn't have to mindlessly read 6TB of data (and write 2TB) to resync an 8TB array.

That's just mindless, and a big reason I don't use RAID for anything around the home office here.

But.. mhddfs is not suitable for office use. The code is clean, but it is in userspace not the kernel, so it will not cope well with heavy multi-user loads. Performance would suck, and it might even run into trouble when multiple users are creating/updating a common subset of files/directories.

Good for my one/two user media server, not good for a mail or database server. An in-kernel version would be much, much better for that, which is why I'm rather shocked we don't already have an in-kernel solution.
