It's the same with Craigslist and Kijiji here in Canada as well. It's nothing to do with the site and everything to do with the people. And it's not specifically/only the people that frequent those sites, because in my opinion, they're a representation of society as a whole. There are simply a large portion of untrustworthy and flaky people out there.
When I sell on Kijiji, which is very infrequently and only 3 times successfully, I handle everything by email until the last minute and I will not go out of my way to meet someone for a sale. If I'm going to be somewhere they're more than welcome to come by and meet. Otherwise they can come by the house.
I always expect that someone is going to show up and try to renegotiate. And I'm always prepared to just walk away from the deal because I won't come down a penny from the agreed price. Luckily with those 3 successful sales the buyers were stand-up people and didn't try any BS. The last one was a pair of skis I sold back in February and the buyer came way out of his way to meet me in downtown Toronto while I was at the auto show.

At the same time I was trying to sell another pair of skis and received a lot of feedback/inquiries about them, but never a sale.
I'll be trying again with that same pair next week, along with a set of BBS rims and performance tires for BMW and a set of winter tires w/steel wheels for a Civic. Fingers crossed.