I find most scams can be averted by the line “I’ll remove this listing when the item is sold so there is no need to email me asking if I still have the item.” Then if I do get an email asking if I still have the item it’s off to spam town.
Ugh, that reminds me, I've had a few instances where I've just left a successful sale of something on CL (it does happen every now and then), and I'll get someone emailing me to ask if the item is still available. I'll quickly reply (at a stoplight or something) with a little note like "sorry, it's been sold." Oh boy. I've had one guy cuss me out for not having taken the listing down and for wasting his time. Ugh. Sorry I didn't have my finger on the button while doing the transaction!
I will second the comment that it's not actually
Craigslist that you hate.

Yeah, you're probably right on this.