Hmm, I have slightly more faith in humanity than I did when I wrote my post. The buyer called me right after I started this thread and said they felt bad about the whole thing and offered to buy the tickets and he'd try to sell them at the gate.

On the one hand, I find that pretty impressive. On the other hand, I wonder if his plan all along was to get my tickets (which are extremely good - 6th row of the endzone), and sell them to make some money. If that's the case then the joke is on him. The temps dropped severely last night and rain threatened all day long. Additionally, Washington hosted its first playoff baseball game since 1933 this afternoon. Consequently the football stadium appeared about 2/3rds full on TV - if that. I'm guessing he was saddled with those tickets.

I still feel the same way in general about Craigslist, though. However, I will say that it's still good for one single thing: giving stuff away for free. The same cheap people are extremely useful when you have something of no value to you that would actually cost you something to have removed. You can post pretty much any crap on Craigslist, call it FREE, and you'll have a dozen emails in minutes.