I should ask, why your file copy failed the first time?
Probably because I was expecting it to act like Windows. I had those 7703 filenames highlighted, but they would not drag over onto the flash drive. (I have had no difficulty moving files onto and off of that flash drive from the iMac in the past). It looked as though they were dragging across, but when I let go of the mouse button, nothing happened. Is it because they were located using the search utility in Finder, and were spread across (I assume) many directories on the hard drive?
I am so used to doing this kind of work at a filesystem level that the idea of bringing up an application (iPhoto in this case) to do things just isn't how I think of doing it. I mean, I've got filenames, I've got a flash drive, why can't I just...
I tell you, the day that Apple takes over the computer world will be the day I start using an abacus!
