Originally Posted By: K447
How large is that set of image files you want to copy? Larger than the USB drive capacity?
As it turns out... yes. But I was only trying to move a few files at a time over to the flash drive.

I made considerable progress when I discovered that I couldn't drag and drop the files onto the Flash Drive icon. I had to open the flash drive and drop them "inside".

Then I ran into weird behavior. I had several hundred files successfully transferred to the flash drive, and then every time I tried to move another file, instead of dragging the selected file it would then highlight all the remaining 6000+ files and refuse to drag any of them. A full power-down reboot made things work again for a little while, but then the same problem arose.

I finally just created a new folder on the desktop and started dragging selected files into it, that seemed to work better. Now I am transferring half of the folder into the flash drive (that's about all that will fit) after which I will copy the flash drive into a temporary work folder on the new computer. Then I'll erase the flash drive and repeat the process with the second half of the folder.

My wife honestly believes that she will then go through and organize the pictures, grouping them by subject matter, deleting the ones that aren't worth keeping, and naming them appropriately. This is someone who has more than 6,000 unread emails in her inbox. (2,200 in GMail, about 4,000 in Yahoo.) I'm not holding my breath.

I learned what little I know about computers starting with a C:> prompt, and my mindset is keyed to hands-on file management, organized with a logical directory tree and filenames. From that perspective, I can tell you that Apple's file management procedures are simply terrible.

Of course, YMMV, and I suspect that if I had grown up in an Apple environment I would find Windows file management to be complex and arcane. All I know is that every time I have to work with SWMBO's Macintosh, in a short time I am ready to give it a bounce test from my fourth-floor window.

I am gaining a new appreciation of the problems caused by conflicts of religion. smile

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"