This one's especially for Mark or one of the other Linux gurus here.

I've received my first Raspberry Pi last week and am now slowly taking my first baby steps with Linux and the command line. I was able to create the necessary SD card and set the keyboard to belgian keyboard through the command line without too much trouble.
The reason I've bought this RPi is to function as a terminal in my home automation system. See, I have an in-wall touch screen monitor (
this one : iEi ISDM-150G-USB-R11/T-R)) which works with DVI for the video signal and USB for the touch control. I've used this monitor in the past with Windows and it works fine as a touch screen.
But now I want to use it with the RPi and basically, all it'll have to to it keep a certain web page open full screen, which links to the LAN IP address of the home automation system. Via the browser, most of the settings are available then (light on/off, blinds up/down etc...) I want to use to RPi for this because of it's low power consumption and as said, all I want it to do is keep that webpage open and put the monitor in standby after one minute of not using it, so I can:
-touch the monitor to wake it up
-enable the desired function (eg. lights in kitchen on)
-leave the monitor be so it goes back to sleep after one minute to preserve power.
For this I have to install the Linux driver for the touch screen. This is where things get ugly. I have absolutely ZERO experience with installing stuff though the command line and about everything I've tried failed.
This is what I've tried so far:
There's lots of subdirectories in the /Linux folder of the installation CD, but I used the /Debian folder because I figured Wheezy on the RPi is Debian anyway, right?
I used the Debian_K26.tar.gz file (there's also a Debian_K24.tar.gz) because I figured this is the file that is probably the most recent.
(For easier reference, I've copied the entire /Debian folder to my dropbox account.
here's the link to view it)
I followed the instructions in that installation notes PDF, but they don't work. I get all sorts of errors.
I was able to un-tar the archive (don't laugh!

I was able to get into SU mode (which isn't straightforward with a RPi)
I was able to run the "make new" command in the "/touchkit/include" folder successfully.
But then when I go back to the "/touchkit" folder to type "make all", it doesn't work any more. Then the errors start showing up.
Anybody can point me in the right direction? Thanks!