I wasn't really counting the iMac in my statement. They never really dropped that one like they did the others. It went to an "every other year" schedule, but that's nothing compared to the mini and the pro.

My mother, for example, still had a Dell monitor from her PC days, and she had a 2012 Mac Mini. For a couple years she's wanted to replace the Mini, but she didn't want to "upgrade" to a 2-4 year old model Mini, and she liked her monitor so it was frustrating to be told that she'd have to replace it and spend about a thousand dollars more than she wanted to.

So yes, they seem to have turned the corner on their screenless models, fortunately.

In Apple's defense, the personal computing headline across the whole industry has been the death of desktops and the sole use of laptops. But not everyone wants that. I have plenty of clients who don't want a laptop and aren't that interested in an all-in-one, or at the very least don't want to spend more than a grand for their computer. That $999 and under price tag is still very important and Apple doesn't hit that with most of their products.