I've been working with Unifi equipment for about 6 years now, and haven't had many heat issues. I will say that the hottest Unifi devices I've interacted with are the NanoHD's that are out now. Personally, I'm not much of a fan. I have a client who asked to install those instead of the AC Pro models I'd proposed, and they're pretty darn hot. They also appear to be causing him some roaming problems I haven't seen with other AP models.
I just checked out my own home's Unifi equipment:
USG - ever so slightly warm (barely)
8 port POE switch - what I can only describe as pleasantly warm

Cloud key - probably the warmest of the bunch but I don't have a problem with it
I haven't checked the AP (AC LR) but will tomorrow. The POE switch has two POE devices (CK and AP), and four other active ports. All of this is in a plastic structured media enclosure with vents but only passive cooling. But the only other stuff in the enclosure are the power bricks for the USG and switch, a splitter for the coax, and a small patch block for the ethernet.
Which USG? I've got a 3P and it runs hot, you wouldn't want to put your hand on it for long.
I've got a mixture of switches USW-8-60W, USW-8-150W, USW-16-150W and a Mesh Pro, a few AC-Pros and a Nano pro, from my MBP I get 600Mbit to the nano.
I stuck the Mesh Pro outside in the garden so that during the summer we get decent wifi, the wifi was patchy in the garden due to the age of the house and locations of the AP's internally.
Gotta say that I'm in love with the Unifi equipment, it's not the cheapest and it's never going to be the best but I think the whole system is very slick and it works very well for me in my home environment, since I switched everything to it I've no longer had any complaints about the WiFi in the house.
Only thing I want is an updated USG which can handle IPS turned on at 1G, seeing as the XG is now deprecated and was ridiculously priced, hopefully they'll come out with something reasonable to fill the gap.
I've switched to using a Cloudkey Gen 2+ for my controller as I have a couple of G3 Pro cams (caught somebody trying to break into our car!) so they play nicely with the Protect system which is getting better with every release. I also bought the rackmount kit for it and had it drop shipped from the US to the UK, I don't think there are many of them in the UK!