True that. THe inside is pretty spiffy, though it did seem cramped for a car as big as it is. The AV system that was installed int he one i saw was pretty impressive, albeit lacking an empeg.
Interesting... Outer dimensions are almost the same as BMW X5, and interior room, especially legroom, is, according to the specs, better. Compared to the Bimmer it is almost comically ugly IMO, but I guess we will get used to that kind of styling. What I find funny is the blurb on their web site, talking about 'the first Sport Recreational Vehicle'. Apparently, the sport vehicle is
recreational if it has removable center console-cum-cooler and practical cargo space gadgets, and merely
activity (BMW marketing gem) otherwise. If they only spent all that time vasted on inventing new slogans and acronyms actually designing their vehicles...
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green