OK, I see this ground has been covered by people smarter than myself. The very first obstacle I ran into was not being able to compile usb_discovery_win32.cpp. This is an important piece of code to me, because I am only interested in pulling files over USB. I already know how to pull them over the serial port, and match the file names with the FIDs, and ethernet is useless to me as a Mark I owner.

So I came back to Empeg BBS, where I should have started, and found reference to the missing libraries here.

So, is there any chance of the win32_usb library being moved to lib/protocol as Roger suggested? I realize that this really isn't on the list of Empeg's ten most pressing concerns right now, but I can't imagine that releasing this library would hurt Empeg's competitiveness in the high-end consumer audio arena.

SN#320, MK I Blue