I think the most useful thing to me would be the ability to backup and restore my playlists. Frankly, I can keep a backup of my MP3 files somewhere else besides on the Empeg (and I do). And... I have the ID3 information all filled out on those original MP3 files long before they ever go to the Empeg.

However, one thing that i have to do manually in Emplode is setup my playlists. If I had a crash and I had to copy all my MP3's back onto a fresh Empeg from my other backup location...I would then have to go in and manual resetup all my playlists all over again. There is no way that I can think of to backup and restore them.

The only thing I have figured is that I must create some kind of utility for the PC that is able to configure playlists... So that I always create the playlists in this other place...and then I can always rerun it to regenerate the new playlist. But how do you reference the MP3 files...since after a restore the Fid's would be different...wouldn't they?