Sorry guys for not posting everything in one message.
I have a question, before I proceed to my 12Gb backup. Does Empegmirror also back up/restore the database?
Suggestions for next releases:
1) Copy the mp3s on disk as you prefer, and than add a gui that reproduces empeg playlists etc, making the hdd backup playable on the pc
2) Make the backup differential: just delete or add what was deted or added on the empeg everytime the backup starts
3) Separate the backup and restore modes, so that it is easy to decide whether to restore hdd dbase and mp3s onto the empeg or to backup empeg dbase and mp3s on pc's hdd.
Quite obvious, I know, but I just wanted to suggest how I see the perfect empeg backup sw.
Thank you anyway for what you've already done, Arnold!
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg