I agree, seems to work well here on my 40GB MkII, though I didn't transfer more than a few files just yet. Re: your suggestion #2... The problem with writing files in the playlist hierarchy is Empeg's symbolic link setup... You can have the same MP3 in many playlists, and the same playlist under many different branches... Causes issues for a program to figure out which one you want to get... I wouldn't want a backup utility to write six copies of the same MP3 just because I have it in six playlists... That'd fill up all my desktop HDD's right quick.

I guess a way to fix that would be to put a GUI over this type of program and let the user select which playlists or specific MP3's they want to save. I agree it should prefer the database's info over the ID3 tag info. Or open up the option of user-specified formats using format strings or whatever. But without those luxuries, it's still the backup utility everyone's been dying for. Ethernet for me is about 20% faster which I expected since USB speed is known to be sub-optimal.

Great job, amold.

MkII #554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff