What you've said is true, Taym. The single file is less flexible. But it'd also be a TRUE backup rather than just a "copy of all your mp3's." I don't care about playing the MP3's on my computer necessarily. I think both backup methods have their advantages.

Actually (brainstorming mode on) the best solution would probably be one where the database and MP3's are copied off and easily restored exactly as they were... Amold's utility as I've seen it doesn't preserve the original FID number or corresponding *1 ASCII fid files. It just saves the MP3's.

I guess the best way to implement this would be:

1) Transfer the database as it is on the empeg. Also, optoinally transfer the config.ini, kernel, scratch partition, etc.
2) Transfer the MP3's, with each one, saving a local database with the FID numbers and the ASCII FID files.

The restore utility could then (probably) copy the MP3's over, rename them to the correct FID number, copy the ASCII fids over, copy the database over, and things SHOULD work... Any Empeg folks care to comment on this strategy?

But as it is now, we all have a way to back up our MP3's, and that's a very good thing.

MkII #554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff