Let's look at some of his reasons...

1. Passport. YOU DON"T NEED ONE! If you don't trust it, don't put your credit card info in it. I opened a hotmail account so I could use messenger. It works great. I use the account for all the stupid sites on the net that require you to register. It didn't require any personal info to set up. You could always use AOL or any other type of messenger service.

2. Spam mail?? To reject an OS because you *may* get spam from MS is rediculus. You get spam from *every* company out there. Heck, you buy a TV and register the warrenty and you get junk mail. I don't get any more spam on my hotmail account that I do on any other. Also, it's easy to delete.

3. The Java download? Big deal. We live in a world where *Lots* of people have broadband and 5 megs only takes a few min. Even with a modem it doesn't take that long and you only do it once.

4. IE plug in's...I've used it for the last year and I've not noticed problems with web pages not working. Do you have examples of pages that I can't get to with IE?

5. The activation thing just pisses people off because they have to keep the license agreement now which is the same as it's always been. You weren't supposed to install win9x on multiple machines either but the technology wasn't around yet to make it easy to enforce.

I don't work FOR Microsoft. I have worked AT Microsoft for the last 3 years with many of their engineers. I'm not quite sure how to respond to your last statement. Just because I work AT MS, you think I'm not a consumer?? I'm sure your needs aren't very different from mine. Working at MS doesn't make you blind to what users want.

I appologize for the tone of my previous post. I've just heard so many people trash MS and their products and 99% of them don't have a real reason. A lot of people spent a lot of hours working on XP. There are plenty of things wrong with it. There are plenty of problems with EVERY OS. Software is never finished. It's an ongoing process. In my opinion, to dismiss XP for the reasons Livingston stated is a mistake.