It's [WinXP] faster and more stable than Win2K. I have not rebooted my PC in over a month.
Let me tease you a bit:
One should not be able to determine whether XP is more stable than 2K. 2K was marketed as enterprise-caliber operating system, much more stable than NT4, which was also marketed as enterprise-caliber OS. Now, one reboots enterprise-caliber operating system:
- when it is installed
- when UPS(es) fail
- when processor is swithed off for hardware upgrade (if we are talking about cheap, non-fault-tolerant hardware)
- when kernel is changed (actually, some argue that an OS is
not entrerprise-caliber if you have to restart it even then)
A timeframe of a month can distinguish between a toy and a mockup of a toy

Sorry for this, but I have been burned by Windows instability all too often (including this weekend when it took me two days to reanimate an ancient Win98), and enjoyed robustness of various Unices (including Linux), VMSes, MVSes etc for too long not to see the difference. The news of Microsoft finally paying serious attention to Windows stability, robustness and suitability for 7x24 work is encouraging, but I am still not recommeding it to my clients (who are mostly in banking and similar industry). Time will tell.