I dont' dusagree with you there, but i would like to offer one opinion.

A lot of people like to argue how much more secure *nix is then windows... i agree, but ONLY if you have an advanced user setting it up. Out of the box , windows wins hands downs, cept maybe 2 versions of *nix i can think of, FreeBSD being one of them. So while they are not security gods, for home users and configuratiopn, the only thing you can get that is more secure and *easier* is the macOS.

Also, please bear in mind that if you actually KNOW what you are doing with a windows setup, hacking is not that easy, with windows 2000 at least, it's the LAN admins that don't know the product but THINK they are gods with it that are dangerous.

If you want a truely secure network, unplug it from the internet.