That assumes that their backup/restore util works, which is exactly what they would be testing at the time...

It assumes that the backup part of the util worked and got all the data (including all the playlists and all the tag edits that have occured since the mp3 was uploaded to the empeg initially). There is a whole bunch of stuff that could go wrong while testing such a tool that could lose you your data.

If it was as simple as just backing up the mp3 files and then using emplode to put them back then we wouldn't need to be talking about a backup util as as JEmplode would do all we needed. But a backup tool needs more than this if you have editted the tune tags on the empeg.

Anyway, as I have a spare empeg that part of it isn't such a problem for me. My problem is that I don't do C++ and so can't make use of the emptool C++ source unless someone wraps it in a nice COM interface for me to use from VB.

Edited by andy (13/12/2001 19:13)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday