>Kernel support from Mark is not necessary to write a backup utility.

I agree, but I'm not sure that the emptool interface is complete enough to do it either.

But for that matter, I personally am not really interested in a backup/restore, since I do it the other way around. I set up my .mp3 directories on my host Linux TBird system, and then "mirror" that onto the empeg. If the empeg dies, I just re-mirror onto a new unit/drive/whatever. Any playlist changes I make are similarly done..

But I would like an easier way for me to poke about on the player, without having to do anything more complex than a kernel download. That's why I think a two-way khttpd would be nice -- otherwise I'd just install a stripped down usermode httpd instead, and be done with it!

So.. don't y'all hold yer breaths waiting for backup/restore capability from me, but if the itch gets prickly enough, I just might do something along those lines for my own benefit (and pass it on as usual). But we're talking Jan/Feb timeframe at the earliest for this.



Edited by mlord (13/12/2001 20:26)