Okay this is going to go way OT, even for this forum... We usually talk about geeky things here but this is more of a societal and slightly moral issue...
Britney Spears is possibly the most successful female artist out there today. She's pulling in PILES of money so that fat old bastards in record companies can drive Rolls Royces, etc.
But does anyone else think she's pushing the sexpot image a little too much? The dances she's doing and the clothes she's not wearing would make even Madonna in her heyday blush. The only difference between Britney and a stripper is the stripper has a pole. This is an artist whose first album made her look like a wholesome and cute and cuddly teeny bopper, and within a year or two she's dancing with snakes coiled around her bountiful bosoms. I somehow doubt the 10 and 11 year olds who got into the first album have "matured" as fast as Britney has, and I think that she could be having a negative effect on these kids.
Hey, I was a big fan of Madonna (so were you, so shut the hell up.

) But the difference is that Madonna was already a woman when she began, and she started out with the sexy, daring image. She sharpened it and turned up the heat on it over the years, but she didn't come on the scene as a child like Britney did.
Look I think Britney is a great looking broad. I can think of many better looking celebrities, but nobody in their right mind would kick Britney out of bed (well maybe in the morning...) But is what she's doing irresponsible? I don't mind seeing her skin plastered all over TV provided the Mute button is active, but if I had a 10 year old daughter, I would not even consider letting her go to a Britney Spears show.