I just recieved the ipbus sux in (XA-300) from sony. I just realized that I hate sony now and that their a pile ; / I got everything connected now only to find out that the cheap rca's they gave me picks up my engine noise. More $$$ to spend on sheilded ones. Plus the stupid adapter makes a clicking noise when you select from the aux in back to the radio/cd. You'd think for $100 they would have made it more quality.

Now for my question. I ran a wire to the end of my amp wire to see if it was battey/alternators fault for not supplying my empeg with enough power alone with my sony. I found out its just the 12v wire running in my dash. Now i need to figure out where to attach the 12v, i would leave it on the end of the amp wire but everytime there is bass the text on my empeg shuttters (no, not the visual where its suppost to do that). I would run it to my battery but that is just a HUGE pain. The local installer here said to run it to my fuse box but thats not easily accessable either (the fuses are but not the wires going to it). Any suggestions?
