Thanks for all the advice so far, everyone, keep it coming.

Tony, you don't say how much money you're willing to spend. But have you considered spending more up front and save money in the long run?

If your budget can stand a $1200 hit, you can shop around and find an HP-4550N color laser printer that will (IMHO) produce better quality pictures at a fraction of the cost per picture of an ink jet printer. (You'll be paying 7--10 cents per page instead of 50--75 cents per page.)

If you are saving 60 cents on each print, it doesn't take long to recoup the additional up-front cost of the printer. I believe (with no research to support it, don't even know for sure why I think this) that laser generated prints will have a longer life than ink-jet prints; certainly they won't run and smear if moistened.

Caveat: it has been some time now since I actually researched the cost of prints made on a color ink-jet. If the cost has come down as dramatically as the cost of prints made on a color laser printer, then I am talking through my hat and somebody should tell me so.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"