I agree with Loren. HP deskjets are the way to go. I have a 990Cxi and not only is it blazingly fast in draft mode -- ever seen a printer spit paper across the room??? In photo quality modes, it's truly stunning. Uses up a helluvalot of ink in photo mode though.
That's the one I currently use at the house. Draft mode is awesome..

It's easily three times faster than my Hp4 laser and it's still good quality.
Speaking of the Iron-ons... That's actually something that we are working hard on...
We've got a Dye-sub process that can use either our inkjet inks on regular paper, or a toner we've done for color laser. You print it out reversed on a normal piece of paper, and then using a VERY hot press, you cause the ink to vaporize INTO the surface of whatever you want it on.
It's a really cool deal, as previous technologies have basically just been a film that is applied to the surface.... Wash it a bit and it cracks, or scratches, whatever. This stuff is embedded into it. I've got a luggage tag that has my business card embedded into.. for about a quarter of an inch. You can't get it off. We've cut sections of the tags off. Don't matter. The only way it's coming off of there is to get a belt sander and physically remove the top half inch. And it's in photo quality. Mugs, plaques, license plates... It's all good. And it's all done in about 4 minutes (on the lasers).
Maybe marketing will get it out to the vendors soon.