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Well, to be honest, you're the first person to have ever wanted your songs alphabetical in one huge list. Usually, people want to organize them in separate album-based groups.
I know you only have 500 songs, but I think your problem might stem from the fact that the songs are not properly organized on your PC's hard disk and/or their tags are not properly filled out.
Get things organized properly on your hard disk, get them into proper folders, put them into a proper playlist structure, and you'll no longer need them to be sorted alphabetically on the player.
I still don't know if you understand how I have my files setup. I am very meticulous in the naming and tagging of all of my songs, so I know all of the information on them is correct.
On the Rio I don't want to have my songs "alphabetically in one huge list". The way I have it now is each artist has one folder. Even then, the most songs I have in one folder is probably 20. I don't understand how having each artist in a separate folder on my hard drive will help me sort songs on the Rio. No matter what, when I add songs into emplode they just add on to the end of the last song that was on there already.
The trouble is that inside of each artist's folder, the songs do not stay organized when I add more. I'll try to make another example of the way I have my stuff setup:
-Deftones <---- Artist
-Birthmark <---- Song
-Poison The Well
-Mid Air Love Message
-Botchla <----New, not in order
-Lazarro <----^
Now as you can see, the new songs I have just added in to the playlist did not automatically sort into alpha order. That.... um, sucks. But personally I think I have my songs organized pretty neatly. I don't want to have my songs in order they way they are on the CD because I don't like every song on the CD so I don't keep them, cause that'd be pointless. So then the numbers would be screwy, and I also have a lot of local bands and demo/unreleased songs that I want to have in some kind of order, but not in a separate playlist.