So you other Rush fans may not believe this, but my favorite era is the new stuff. My all time favorite album is "Roll The Bones" and my second favorite Rush album is "Hold Your Fire" followed by (of course) "Moving Pictures" and "2112". I love everything I have ever gotten by them (unfortunatly I still lack a couple albums); every song on every CD.

I keep hearing people dog the new stuff and I really just don't get it. As a musician I can say this is one band who just loves making music and it comes through on every project, even the "new" stuff - I'm just sort of wondering if I'm the only one who likes it.

Does this "Prick" really sound like Rush? I have never found anything else that even comes close (though many have tried to sell me on various bands) and I would love to find music similar to Rush.

Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.