To me, listening to Rush feels to me like being a fly on the wall where three passionate musicians are just doing what they love because they love it, not because they want me to hear it.

Which has been their goal all along. They've always said, over and over again, that they've tried very hard to make the music they wanted to play, rather than try to second-guess what the public wants to hear.

My wife just bought me the "Chronicles" DVD, and it was just so much fun to watch these guys be so into their music (I really enjoyed the studio stuff from "Moving Pictures"). They seemed a little out of place in the more MTVish videos, but just watching them play is a real pleasure.

I agree that they've never made very good "MTV" style videos. I much prefer simply watching them play, such as the examples you cite from the Moving Pictures era. In fact, looking at the reviews of this DVD from Amazon, I didn't realize it included studio images of the Tom Sawyer recording sessions (something that didn't exist on the VHS version), so I might have to get this DVD soon.

If you like watching them play, the VHS concert tapes of the Grace Under Pressure tour and the Hold Your Fire tour (tape is titled "A Show of Hands") are excellent in that regard. Don't know where you can get the P/G tape these days, though...
Tony Fabris