"Rush tunes, although they might not all have a "hook", don't get old fast."

You know, I had never really thought about it this way before, but you are very right. Though some Rush songs do have a good hook ("Analog Kid", "Time Stand Still", etc.) none, rely on a hook to move (and sustain) the song. To me, listening to Rush feels to me like being a fly on the wall where three passionate musicians are just doing what they love because they love it, not because they want me to hear it. My wife just bought me the "Chronicles" DVD, and it was just so much fun to watch these guys be so into their music (I really enjoyed the studio stuff from "Moving Pictures"). They seemed a little out of place in the more MTVish videos, but just watching them play is a real pleasure.

I'm a little different from you in that I like just about all kinds of music (my favorite artist after Rush is David Wilcox, pretty much as oposite from Rush as you can get). My primary musical talent is as a song writer (I was a theory/ comp major for 2 years in college before I switched to computers/ business), and unfortunately my gift in writing music is as a melody writer (Yes, I'll admit it. . . I'm a hook writer). I am always hearing stuff on the radio and think to myself (in my arrogance), "Yeah, I could do that". But with Rush, I am always just overwhelmed by how I could never approach their level of musicianship (same goes for David Wilcox by the way).

On another subject. . .

"I think it's the other way around, 1:1 correlation between Rush fans and gadget freaks."

So does this mean (as every drummer I've ever met likes Rush) that all drummers are gadget freakes?

Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.