Ummm... Creating an alternate or hacked front-end to the player software is the least of the problems. The most time-consuming portion of this type of effort will be getting a Chinese set of 5000+ characters into a couple of good-looking bitmaps. You'd have to have a new size, because I can say quite easily that it is IMPOSSIBLE to represent any useful number of Chinese characters in a 6-pixel font (especially while leaving the bottom row of pixels blank - it's hard enough squeezing a latin set into 5 pixels).
Using 9 pixels (the medium font size) is a little more helpful, but still a pain in the ass. And then, even if you decide on a suitable size, just getting the characters into readable bitmaps of this size using only 2 shades is going to be a monumental challenge. Try scaling a character lie this in Photoshop just for giggles.
Maybe the font could be divided up between many people. Each handling a handful of characters. A distributed effort. Still going to be a HUGE pain in the ass.