How much do you pay for that crappy DSL service? ]

$69.99/mo yeah I'm getting ripped off, (384/128 line) at first it was a good deal back in 1999 when it first rolled out around here. Now, no one really offers DSL that is worth a [censored] in Austin and when I checked with Speakeasy they said SBC doesn't make it easy to switch without either
A) having downtime of up to 6 weeks or
B) getting a new phone line and get it qualified for service through Speakeasy

So I haven't done anything about it. My connection just works and my bill is auto debited so I don't think about it much...
Cable is not an option, we agreed to hate each other with a passion...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX