I've been metered here too from day one. : 10gig DL, 1.5 gig UL. I've got a cable connection now, but it was the same with my ADSL connection.
AND, though the cable provided 4Mbit DL, 128Kbit UL (effective speeds : +500 Kbps, and 15 Kbps UL), I think I'll go back to my ADSL.

See, the service of this cable just plain sucks. Sure, it's about 4-5 times faster (in optimal conditions) than my former DSL account, BUT :
Their mailserver is down a couple of times per week ;

their phone support is practically non-existant (I once couldn't get to my mail for THREE WEEKS because it was too hard for them to provide me with a new password - the old password just stopped working one day. No explanation, no apologies, no nothing. Luckily my DSL mail account still worked) ;

they raised their prices by 20% last month, just like that ("sorry sir, there's a crisis in the IT sector") ;

they force you to pay auto debited (well, force...If you don't then you can add another $15 to the bill) ;

they insist on using a proxy on which some sites choke ;

they canned their telephony service (since it's not profitable enough for them - but this was the MAIN reason why I switched, 'cause I was happy with my DSL account) ;

they block the ports on which most file sharing utilities work. (I don't mind that facs per se, I DO mind the fact that they try to hide the fact that they do. I has cost me a lot of phone calls to actually get somebody on the line who admitted to it).

The more I think about it, the more pissed I become. I believe I'll give my old DSL provider a call tomorrow. I still got my DSL modem and filter, so the switch should be smooth.
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup