Actually, this is very interesting. Let's say I run a Google search for, say, "Jessica Alba." I click on the first link, which opens up a page with sixteen pop-up ads. I didn't actually request those popup ads, they were forced upon me by some jackoff who wants to make money from advertisers. However, it's costing ME bandwidth, which, under this draconian metering policy, will end up costing me more money.

Looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit... Hey, whaddya know, it IS bullshit!

Granted, it's quite hard to fill up a large bandwidth cap with just popup ads, and it's more likely that Usenet/IRC/KaZaA traffic is going to be the real culprit... But I can see room for disputes over who's responsible for my bandwidth being used. People can send me email attachments of any size and because of how POP3 works, I have no way to know I do or don't want the file until after it's downloaded... Then you get all these programs with advertising windows and phoning home to check for updates, automatically download new versions, whatever... There's a lot of bandwidth that gets used without your express knowledge...
- Tony C
my empeg stuff