Does anybody uses it? Do you recommend it? Do you recommend any competitor with more or less the same feature set?

I just think it is time I get some good tool to manage my photo collection. I want a good and quick photo viewer; I want to tag my photos; do some basic editing if needed; produce slideshows; and possibly have some face recognition feature like Picasa has. I want to be able to nicely and effectively edit exif data, search for it, sort and search pictures based on it, etc.

It seems to me that PS Elements Lightroom is the classic choice, here, but maybe there's another recommended product out there? Or maybe PS Elements is NOT recommended?

Edit 1: I've also been looking at ACDSee, since I used to have it when they had a free version. How is it these days?

Edit 2: I am currently using Picasa for all this, but it is prooving a bit too buggy and feature limited.

Edited by taym (05/12/2010 01:40)
Edit Reason: Got confused between Lightroom and Elements.
= Taym =
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