No, the disk has not been partitioned. Plus, when I boot to floppy, it can't find the c: drive.

I tried the WD EZ-Install. It didn't work because it said there weren't any Western Digital drives attached. I think the problem might be that it's an OEM disk and I'm not sure what's been done to it. In the BIOS it is recognized, but as "VWD VD800JB..." it should be WD800JB, without the V. I don't know if that has anything to do with the installer not recognizing it or what, but it didn't work regardless.

I've had problems before with WD's EZ-Install and all I did was switch to Maxtor's MaxBlast Plus and that program was actually a lot better and had no problems with my Western Digital drive. I'm going to try it again here.

Thanks for the advice!