At this point, I must appologize for this thread, because it is completely irrelevant. When I ordered this new machine, I had bought some nice rounded silver cables that would look nice in my windowed case. It appears they have been causing ALL OF THIS. I thought "hmmm, I'll try using the cables the mobo came with and see if that works". I fire up the machine, go into the BIOS, and what do you know? Not only is the name of the device correct now, but it is being reported as 80gigs. What do you think is wrong with the cable? Why would it even effect the name of the device?? That's kinda wierd.

So this still sucks a little, because I now have to have these big, ugly, flat cables in my lovely new case, but it's much better that the thing works.

Also, I got the same cable for my CD drives. do you think those could get screwed up by this too?