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I don't even understand the concept of wanting to have each song announced. I mean, it says what the song is right on the screen. How long does it take to read that? You know what it is anyway.

I'll explain my reasons for wanting this so much. I live in Erie, Pennsylvania by Great Lake Erie. We get a lot of "lake effect" snow. We get snow from November to March and a lot of it. I have ahead of me 5 months of driving through snow, ice, slush, and blizzards. I cannot afford to look at my screen for even half a second without risking a serious accident. And even in the summer I have had many close calls looking at my screen waiting for the artist and title to scroll by when I should be looking at the road. Having a library of 4000 songs I simply can't remember what the title of the song or often even the artist is. And even for songs I have heard hundreds of times I often forget the title. But I really want to know what I'm listening to so I would find this a very useful feature, I wouldn't think it to be annoying at all.